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“Even before it is action, mission is witness and irradiation”

(Redemptoris Missio, 26)

A few months ago, we were happy to share with you the opening, in Peru, of the new mission community of our Congregation. We told you a little about the process. We would like to share more with you and ask you to continue accompanying us with your prayer and closeness.

For several weeks now, the four sisters who, God willing, at the end of January will be leaving for the new mission, have been living in community. We have thus begun our time of preparation for the mission. Times of formation, of getting to know each other a little better, of praying together. Moments of sharing concerns and hopes, thinking about the mission that the Congregation has entrusted to us.

Although we will be in Madrid until the end of January, we are already getting closer to Peruvian culture and society through simple trainings. There are several people who, with their testimony, show us a little more about what we will experience in a few months time. They tell us about the important elements of Peruvian culture and society. How the Church and religious life is lived in those lands. Things that are important and that we need to know. We also have space to ask those questions that may arise when thinking about the new mission.

We always say that in religious life everything is formative, and it is true. During these weeks we have been on the move a lot. We went from one ministry to another to legalise our documents, we called to make arrangements, we consulted the internet, we asked for appointments. All this to find and clarify where to go and what to do. From walk to walk the Lord accompanies us and takes care of us. We have met people who are being real gifts. People who are helping us to make everything a little easier and more bearable.

The four sisters who make up this community agree that these first steps are helping us to feel a little closer to many people. Also for those who, for various reasons, leave their country and are surrounded by steps to take to legalise their situation, something that is not easy and takes time. Our day-to-day life is like this. We live with joy, with hope, with illusion, but also with uncertainty.

Bambamarca, Perú
Our house in Bambamarca, Perú

We look ahead and imagine our mission in Bambamarca. Small gifts from the Lord await us there. Gifts that we do not yet know, others that we do. The house where we will live is already finished. On our arrival, we will have to fit it out (furniture, various tools...). We want it to be a welcoming home for all those who come to it. The mission is the Lord's, and therefore a gift for all. It is taking shape through prayer, dedication, devotion and the generosity of each and every one of us.

We invite you to continue to pray for us. For the sisters who are going to live the mission in situ, but also for the rest of the sisters. They, with their prayer and dedicated life, are part of it and support it. The mission in Bambamarca needs prayer and other material means. If you want you can collaborate by sponsoring the work of evangelisation, making your small contribution to this account:

ES63 0049 6791 7827 1601 0019.

Every euro counts. We thank you for your contribution and prayers.

Asun OMI



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