The Oblatesisters, we are...
Passionated women who want to live the Oblate charism bringing the Good News to all people, evangelizing the poorest. From the beginning of our existence we have lived the gift of internationality, being a very great challenge for our communities and in the mission. We are currently 21 sisters, from different countries in Europe and Latin America.
We are part of the Oblate family where we share the same charism, which is our way of making the Kingdom of God present here on earth.
Our congregation is missionary; On a day-to-day basis, the work and activities that we carry out are carried out according to the mission that has been entrusted to us. In a special way we accompany families, children and young people, collaborating with the pastors of the Church, wherever we are.

Our beginnings
Each one of us felt in her heart a deep desire to live the Oblate charism. In fact we said:“If I were a boy, I would be an Oblate”.
At the end of 1996, being still very young, we were between 18 and 21 years old at that time, we belonged to the groups of young Oblates in our parishes, we participated in an annual meeting and that is where our story began. At that time, we participated actively in the life of the parish, but we felt the call to live as “oblates”. Accompanied by the Oblates and after maintaining regular contact with each other, we decided to start living in community.
From the first moment we began to study the Constitutions and Rules of the Oblates. We decided to make a little change and where they said “oblates” we put “oblate sisters”. The Church accompanied us in each of our step and in 2001 approved our small community as a Religious Institute of Diocesan Law.
The news about our existence reached the ears of many Oblates very quickly and, curiously, young women from different parts of the world began to arrive, feeling the same desire like us.

...by opening new horizons to the mission, wherever the Church needs it most. We want to cross borders so that all men know Christ, especially where no one dares to cross.
We seek to promote, care for and cultivate our community life, the place where our missionary zeal grows and from where we carry out the mission.
We wish and ask that the Lord send us new sisters so that the work that he began in our lives may grow and thus we can be signs of hope for so many. We want to be a living and true testimony of what he himself has done in us, so that others feel called to live the same charism.
In the future we dream...
Memories of the first sisters: