Women consecrated
Open to the action of the Spirit, we want to consecrate ourselves totally to the person and work of the Savior. We feel called to leave everything to follow Jesus Christ, being their cooperators in the mission of the Church. We consecrate our life, choosing the path of evangelical advice.
As our mission demands, we radically follow the example of Jesus, living in chastity, poverty, obedience and perseverance. Called to live in apostolic communities, we form a living cell of the Church, as a sign that in Christ, God is everything for us.

We announce the Gospel in and through our communities that are characterized by a strong family spirit. From a believing perspective we can accept what we are, to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of the vocation received.
Our communities want to be homes that foster, care for and cultivate welcome. We feel called to live the gift of internationality beginning with our communities.
Our missionary vocation is born from the call of God to evangelize by listening to the cry of the poor and the need for salvation that we discover through the Church and in today's world.
Our mission is concretized in a path to lead people first to "human, then christian Feelings and finally help them to become saints."

Calls y convoked
Our missionary spirituality, fueled by our Oblation, motivates our actions and keeps us continually available and open for mission. We carry it out as apostolic women following the example of Mary, virgin and mother, in communion with the Church and its pastors and open to collaboration with other workers of the Gospel.
Our way of carrying out the mission is characterized by the evangelization of the poorest from the personal experience of salvation, wanting to arouse or awaken faith in those we meet:

God's love to

those whom the Lord puts us on the path

life processes
and faith of those walking on our side