Our formation
All the important things in life happen in a process, little by little. Any state of life requires a time of preparation, growth and maturation to be able to give life with more joy, freedom and generosity.
We, as Missionary Oblates, we also walk a path of formation that helps us to identify more and more with Jesus, his way of life and to continue his mission. This path is divided into several stages, which we explain below.
This itinerary is personal but we don´t do it alone, we walk together with other sisters in community. We help each other to grow, follow the Lord and live our consecration and mission, and we do it through accompaniment, studies, different formations, sharing life and reflections, prayer, mission, etc.

Experience time
A time to meet. You can share with us in the community times of prayer, meetings, you can be in contact with some sisters and learn more about our way of life and mission.

It is the first step for a more concrete discernment. It is a time of formation that helps in discernment for a greater personal knowledge, spiritual and religious life.

It is the time of initiation into the Oblate religious life where we go deeper into the charism, our way of life and our mission, etc. It lasts one year and ends with the first profession.

It is a time to continue growing in the vocation, deepening in the concrete way of each one and as a community. Civil studies are being carried out, if they have not been completed before, and those of theology. This stage ends with the profession of perpetual vows - "oblation".

Ongoing formation
We are always in formation because at each stage the Lord continues to call us to conversion and to respond to the new needs of the mission, to the needs of the people to whom he sends us.