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Happy being an Oblate

Sharing on life and mission

I am Antonius Sussanto, an Oblate Priest from Indonesia. I came from a simple Catholic Family living in a village. I am an elder son from three siblings with two younger sisters having an idea to be a priest from childhood onward. I liked to be a priest because I wanted to wear sandals like some priests wore them. But after having encounter with an Oblate I attracted to the big cross he had. Now I understand that the sandals have become the missionary sandals which make me possible to go on mission in preaching Christ crucified.

Now I am a parish priest in St. Stephen Parish located in Malinau, The Diocese of Tanjung Selor, in North Kalimantan, Indonesia. There are varied parish ministries from liturgical sacramental services till categorial ministries. Celebrating mass with the faithful, ministering the sacraments, teaching cathecisms, doing devotions, councellings, pastoral visitation, youth ministry, and social services are some ordinary works presence in the parish. Maintaining that various ministries, I work in a team together with the members of parish council. With me there are two other priests as assistants, an oblate and a diocesan, we live together as one community.

Malinau Parish has more than three thousand parishioners coming from different background both local people and migrans. We observe multicultural background which make us rich in differences. Often we make a cultural performance in helping us deepen our faith. This encounter help us to accept each other and understand better. Dealing with many parishioners and other people I keep my oblate and priest identity so that people easily recognize me. I am happy of being oblate priest.  The most important for me is that my life and ministries should bring happiness as a sign of the presence of God.  The mission cross reminds me the true happiness though that there will be many pains but all will end joy. Wearing the Oblate cross reminds me to the One who called me and sent me. Thank God that has entrusted this vocation and mission to me. And continue ask your prayers, my brothers and sister, for his blessings to strengthen me always. Keep touch in prayer, thanks.

P. Sussanto OMI

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