What does it mean be an oblate?

"The Oblate sisters will live their religious consecration in such a way,
that penetrates all the acts and aspects of their daily life". (C 63)
For us, be an oblate means:
- Respond to the call to join the surrender and oblation of Jesus.
- Always be close to people and discover the presence of God in them.
- Accompany other people on the road so that they discover the presence of the Savior in their lives.
- Have a simple lifestyle and share the joy of the Gospel with others in the daily life.
- Being passionate about the mission that we live as a community and as a Church.
- Work to create communion and fraternity with whom we share life and mission.
- Living in the manner of Mary Immaculate and having her as Mother and Teacher in following Jesus
- Find happiness in giving your life for love of God and in the mission of announcing it to others.
- Be attentive to the needs of those who need the hope that only Christ gives.

Vito, OMI
Being an Oblate is walking with Jesus, following his life project, accompanying and announcing the Good News, getting closer to the most abandoned, touching the realities that move my heart and showing the joy that he loves me and embraces me tenderly.

Raquel, OMI
Being an Oblate loving
to Christ, to his church
and to the poor.

Theresa, OMI
To be an Oblate is to place my life more and more each day in the hands of the One who has loved me to the end, so that others can also experience this love that saves.