2 min.

A greatful look

The Christian life is above all a grateful response to a generous Father. (Pope Francis)

We are now in the last days of the year 2021. It has been a year of many surprises - who would have thought that the pandemic measures would have to continue to this day?

But despite the pandemic and its restrictions, we have experienced many moments for which we can be deeply grateful. This year, our small Institute also celebrated events that filled us with gratitude:

On September 8th we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our diocesan approval as a Religious Institute. On this day we gathered to celebrate the Eucharist and to give thanks to God for the gifts we have received over the years.

Jola and Theresa at the beginning of their Noviciate

Then on the 14th of September two young girls started their Novitiate. Jola from Poland and Theresa from Germany committed themselves to continue to deepen their understanding of the Oblate charism in order to discern their closer attachment to our religious community. A sign of hope, the Lord continues to call us to follow him in our way of life.

CelebraciĆ³n de Adviento delante de la casa en Alemania

At the end of September the St. Lioba community in Germany moved to Ramsdorf, where Sr. Kathrin Omi started working in a parish. The community was warmly welcomed by the people of this small town. Moreover, this place seems to offer more possibilities to develop our mission there.

Another reason for which we are very grateful is that a group of lay people want to share our charism with us. In December we had a celebration where they received the Oblate cross as a sign of belonging to our Oblate family.

These and many more are reasons why we can thank God for this year 2021.

What events do you discover

to thank God for when you think about this year?

I'm sure if you stop for a while, a few things will come to mind. This might be a good time to give thanks to your heavenly Father, who has given them to you, and to prepare yourself to look forward with joy to the new year that is about to begin.

Lisa Renner, omi
